WORK / Workers of the sea, the Prawn Catchers
April to September is the prawn fishing season. Thierry Evain, fishing boat captain, has made it his specialty. All aboard the trawler, the Quentin-Grégoire.
Text : Djamel Bentaleb / Photos : Patrick Forget
Text : Djamel Bentaleb / Photos : Patrick Forget
FRANCE / Proust’s Way, one hundred years later...

One hundred years ago, at the author’s expense, Bernard Grasset published a monument of French literature: Swann’s Way. In this first volume of In Search of Lost Times (or Remembrance of Things Past), Proust evokes the vacations of the young Marcel in Illiers-Combray at the home of his Tante Léonie.
Text : Hugues Demeude - Photos : Patrick Forget
Text : Hugues Demeude - Photos : Patrick Forget